Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gabriella's Chronicles #6

Gabriella's next quest involved exploring the Dragon's Maw. The name invoked equal parts of intrigue and fear. Nevertheless, she put aside her concerns and walked up the steep mountain. The path was narrow, but the view of Shang Simla was breathtaking from the top.

Speaking of breathtaking, no one had warned that the Dragon's Maw breathed smoke. Did it breathe fire as well?! Thankfully, it didn't, and Gabby approached the door cautiously.

The door appeared thick and covered in ancient carvings. After further inspection, Gabby found a way to trigger it to open.


She walked down some stairs. This being Gabby's second tomb, she noted how much happier she was while exploring and diving into the unknown. She wondered which mysteries she would unravel here...

The first room had some hidden doors and a few piles of ancient coins.

Gabby promised herself to visit the market before returning home so she could learn what she could buy with this special currency.

Next, she entered a large library where she nabbed a relic and found another hidden door, this one behind a bookcase. 

It revealed wide stairs leading down. She descended.

The next room was large enough to hold balls, but only contained a few bag of money (only!) and relics.

The deepest room seemed partially carved out of bedrock. It contained several piles of rubble and sarcophagi. Was it true they sometimes contained mummies or curses? To build up her courage, Gabby cleared the rubble piles first. The, she gingerly opened the first sarcophagus... and it only contained ancient coins! She searched the others with more haste and confidence.


When Gabriella entered the last room, she was stunned. This one had fire coming out of the floor. Dragon's Maw indeed!

Then she realized it was actually easy to walk around the fire to get the relics and money bags. Gabby felt she was getting better at this!

By the time she left the Maw, it was nighttime. Gabby admired the stars and constellations while running, and remembered too look down just in time to negotiate her way back down the narrow path.

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