Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gabriella's Chronicles #4

Inside the Halls of the Lost Army, Gabriella found more pressure plates and soon gained confidence. The tomb was full of hidden doors, pushable statues, relics, ancient coins, and rubble. One by one, she cleared obstacles and discovered new directions to explore.

Pressure plates with footprints on them: easy as pie!

Pushing statues is hard work, but a great way of disarming a floor fire trap.

Clearing rubble is back-breaking work... but they generally hide treasure or more pressure plates!

Treasure chests make Gabby feel like a kid in a candy store!

Diving wells made Gabby a little nervous. Thankfully, she hadn't forgotten to pack her swimsuit! With a small somersault, she was gone.


This one led her through a tunnel to a hidden room containing a star-shaped stone. She grabbed it and swam back through the tunnel.

Gabby was glad to have kept the seemingly useless stone star since it turned out to be a key! Eventually, she found the relic she had been sent to uncover.

She was having the best day ever, a dream come true. However, her fatigue and hunger were starting to poke a hole through the blissful haze. It was time to return the relic and go to the inn.

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