Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Forrester Legacy 1.2 - Planning

It'll be great to have a dishwasher and not have to wash dishes in the bathroom sink.

Not the best mac n cheese, kinda gets stuck in your throat...

Vivre d'amour et d'eau fraƮche...

Growing garden.

Backyard sunset.

Best benefit of self-employment? Sleeping in. :-)

Water, weed, seed, pluck, harvest...

Googly eyes...

These pancakes are much better than last night's mac n cheese!

I have a question for you, but promise you won't freak out.

When would you like to start having children?

(Deftly changing the topic)


Why don't we start by establishing out careers. You should focus on your gardening skills and growing produce, to sell and provide for your family.

Maybe even grow some flowers... wouldn't that be pretty?

The Forrester Legacy 1.1 - Skill Building & Employment

Found a house for sale north of the small town, on a quiet residential street. No one will mind if Liam harvests the garden! He needs produce to start his garden.

Meanwhile, Charlotte researches architectural design to increase her artistic abilities and, at the same time, create art to beautify their home.

Going downtown to register as a self-employed artist.

Charlotte has a beautiful home, a career she's passionate about and a wonderful husband. Life is good! 

It's hard to see time pass by...

... or tire of this ocean view!

After a long day harvesting and gathering seeds, Liam start his own garden.

Showering after a long day.

Her cooking skills are nothing to brag about (yet), but macaroni and cheese will be good enough for tonight.


The Forrester Legacy 1.0 - Settling Into Anne Arbor